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One reason why Yamaha Outboards widely used and become the main Outboards brand in Indonesia, is because Yamaha Outboards requires little maintenance, and can easily maintained by local mechanic. And all Yamaha Outboards can also easily maintained by all mechanic through out Indonesia to ensure availability and short service period.

The simplicity to maintain Yamaha Outboards is the outcome from years of continuous training to all mechanic and outboards operator.  More than one time in a year, Yamaha will provide training through out Indonesia to increase mechanic knowledge and skills about Yamaha Outboards. All interested parties can directly visit Yamaha Dealer to know further about provided training in each area.

Yamaha standard quality maintenance in every corner of Indonesia to ensure availability and high-quality maintenance. Yamaha use high-quality standard and keep monitoring and guarantee mechanic skills and knowledge standard with Yamaha methodology standard, known in levels of; Bronze level, Silver Level and Gold Level mechanic.

Make sure your outboards investment safe by regularly maintained by Yamaha certified mechanic. Call your nearest agent for your Outboards maintenance.